Thursday, March 21, 2013

Emerging Technology Part 1

The technology I read about is "the first major update to camera design" It is called Lytro. Assumptions I can make about future technology is that things are getting much, much more complex, but much, much easier to use. Things that surprised me about this invention, is that you have the ability to focus the image AFTER you've taken the picture. Possibilities in this particular area, photography, are in my opinion, endless. They have went from not being able to take a photograph at all, to black and white, to developmental cameras and film, to smaller and smaller cameras, to camera phones. The possibilities are endless. Something I noticed about this particular device, is that it is relatively cheap. the average person could buy this invention. It is out on the market for $399. Also, back in 2009, an emerging technology was the liquid battery, which allows the battery to be run on solar power, at night.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Sunsets ∞

SunsetSunset balloon flightsunsetSunsetsunset Sunset.
Romantic sunset at the beach in MalaysiaNew York Sunset - HDRSunsetsunsetSunsetSunset 3
SunsetsunsetSunsetSunset: June 24, 2009Sunset hiking back to campSunset at Duro

Sunsets ∞, a gallery on Flickr.

I chose this gallery because I think most, if not all sunsets are super pretty. Especially by water! (: ♥ ∞